Sunday, April 10, 2011

the hood: this is brog. Random.

I moved. Into the hood. Not really. I just like to tell myself that it is. I carry a gun. It looks like a camera. Actually it's only a camera. For real though.. things have been going real well here. The sun has been back with a vengeance. I don't think diving will ever get old. Especially with a video camera. A little over a month left here. I may go insane when I get back home and have to wait at traffic lights and sit in traffic. I am still recovering from a conversation that I had with Ashley Johnson about a week ago. If you don't know her, you should. These 3 pictures are from a time-lapse video I made over the last few weeks. I put myself into these pictures because I am awesome. Atleast I pretend to be. Which probably fools nobody. Anyways, word to my moms (and pops) and my sister who got her cast off this last week. I wish I was as cool as her. Peace Sequel, I know you read this.. even though you're a cat. I am blog.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Greetings! I feel like I'm getting worse at the blogging. This last week there was some crazy rain over here. And check out this video from one of the staff members over at Ocean's Below

But yea, got internet back in my room, my water is back in action. It's go time! Life is good. Although I will tear up some food when I get back home.