Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Koh Tao, Thailand

First week and a half in Koh Tao, Thailand. Been a pretty busy week. Went on my 13th dive today. Got my open water certification and advanced diver certification since I've been here. Saw a bunch of fish that I don't know all of the names of yet. Saw 2 sea turtles (one yesterday and one on my first dive about a week ago). The first time I was standing on the bottom and the turtle swam about a foot in front of me. Also went on one night dive so far, which was great. I was down at about 12m and pointed my light up towards the surface and there were schools of fish everywhere. And they would swim around the beam of the flashlight, which was pretty sweet. And that's it for now. I rule at blogging.


  1. you rule at blogging so hard that i just figured out you have a blog. but since you've only posted like twice, i don't feel that far behind. whew.

  2. Oh I'm all up in this piece. Remember xanga? haha
